Laraine Strafford
Crest: A falcon in flight, armed, jessed, and belted Or, emerging from a crest coronet
Motto: "Serva jugum," which translates from Latin as "Keep the yoke."
The Clan Hay Society is based in Scotland and has members throughout the world. It also has its own pipe band based in Belgium. Clan headquarters are at Delgatie Castle near Turriff in NE Scotland. The Convenor for Canada represents Canadian members and acts as an interface between Scotland and our Canadian members. Scotland sends out an annual journal to all members while the Canadian Convenor sends out occasional newsletters and collects membership fees for submission to Scotland.
The Hays are one of the major clans of Scotland, whose Chiefs, the Earls of Erroll, have been hereditary Lords High Constable of Scotland since Sir Gilbert Hay of Erroll was rewarded with that office after the Battle of Bannockburn by King Robert the Bruce in 1314. The Clan Hay Society was founded in 1951 to bring together all those with an interest in the Scottish family of Hay.
The society organises regular social get togethers wherever it is active in the world through its extensive branch network in the UK, continental Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In addition, it can offer assistance with family history research through a network of genealogists who the society recommends. More information on genealogy click here.
It publishes an annual journal, a monthly e-newsletter, and runs a forum through Facebook. A hospitality tent, to which all Hays are welcome, is maintained at the annual Aboyne Highland Games in Aberdeenshire.
Alderston, Ayer, Bagra, Beagrie, Conn (Aberdeenshire only), Constable, Delahaye, Delgaty, Du Plessis, Dupplin, Errol, Garrow, Geary, Gifford, Hayden, Haye, Hayes, Hayle, Haynes, Hays, Hayton, Hayward, Hey, Hye, Kinnoul, Laxfirth, Leask*, Leith, Locherworth, Logie, Macara, MacGaradh, McKester, Peebles, Phillips (Aberdeenshire only), Slains, Turriff, Tweeddale, Yester, Zester
* The Leasks are a separate clan with their own chief, Dr Jonathan Leask of that Ilk. They are included here because of the long standing connection to the Hays through a Bond of Manrent executed in the 15th century between Leask of that Ilk and the Earl of Erroll.
The Hay Tartan
White Dress